Under the hood, Lens uses the Prometheus stack to obtain all the cluster-specific metrics. Add your clusters and watch some “getting started” videos, and you’re on your way. Lens releases new updates each month, so you’ll be getting the latest features delivered right to your desktop after that. Simply download the binary for your favorite OS (Windows, Mac, Linux all supported) and install. Lens lets you monitor and operate a single or multiple Kubernetes clusters easily and quickly with its open source desktop application. 12, 2021) hit a new milestone as a Top 20 open source project for Kubernetes (ranked by GitHub Medium star gazers). Lens is a rapidly growing, free, and open source “Kubernetes IDE” project.
What if you have more than one cluster to monitor, though? You’d need to log in and view your Grafana dashboards in each cluster or create a combined dashboard showing all your clusters’ current state. These de-facto tools do an excellent job of storing and displaying cluster metrics and performance over time. But, how do you know what’s going on inside your cluster? Many folks are already aware of in-cluster solutions like Prometheus and Grafana.
Kubernetes is an incredible technology that enables you to do so much more with your resources than ever before.